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Marley Delgado Cap and Gown

No one could have expected how the school year was going to end for the Class of 2020. Marley was one of these seniors impacted by COVID-19, her school year ending virtually and her graduation postponed. Because her graduation moved from early June to mid July, though, she was able to keep her cap and gown longer, and we had an opportunity to to capture special graduation photos. To make it even better, on her original graduation date, her school hosted a drive-through diploma pickup, so she already had her diploma when we met with her in July.

Marley and her mom — but especially Marley in that non-breathable gown! — braved the 90-degree July heat to make these pictures happen. I was so glad that we were able to capture this special time in her life and give her a bit of tradition in a very untraditional time!

Congratulations on your graduation Marley! We hope the best for you in the future! :)


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